
REVIEW : Countering Cyber-Warfare With Conventional Force Is Not News, It’s Doctrine

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by David Norton June 10, 2011  |  Comments Off
For this blog I am going to be wearing my defence hat or should I say cap. I spent the best part of 15 years in defence working as a systems specialist including urgent operational needs during the first Gulf War. So it not surprising that I help to look after defence at Gartner. And that brings me onto the topic of this blog
The last two weeks has seen both the US and the UK make public announcements on the use of sanctions and conventional force as a response to cyber-attacks. The Pentagon and UK MoD proposal to formalize cyber-warfare policy and extend conventional battlespace to include cyberspace is needed to counter the growing threat to both nations of cyber-warfare. The option of conventional defensive response or even offensive pre-emptive use of conventional force to neutralise a foreign power or irregular forces cyber-warfare capability is a natural extension of military doctrine and strategy.
If the enemy knows you will limit your response to the same means they deployed against you they can use “salami” tactics. The enemy could user superior cyber-warfare capability to knock out your infrastructure, “slice by slice”, without triggering an escalation.
Ultimately it does not matter if I destroy your infrastructure by cyber or by strategic interdiction (aerial bombing of rail heads, power nodes, command & control lines) the net effect is I have reduced your ability to operate both militarily and as a nation.
We need only look back to the cold war to see this is not a new problem. NATO made it clear in the 50’s that tactical nuclear weapons (TNW) like the tiny US M-29 Davy Crockett were a very real option when facing down conventional Warsaw Pact armour formation in Europe.  Now no one is suggesting that a cyber-attack would be repaid by a TNW on your data centre but what we can learn from NATO policy on TNW is that the threat of escalation helped keep the peace.  It sent a clear message to Moscow that slicing the “salami” with superior armour could “turn hot” (TNW is nicknamed pizza delivery – “served hot and fast”).
Modern warfare is based on the manoeuvrist and network-centric warfare (NCW) doctrine, using strength against weaknesses, combining violent and non-violent means, disrupting the enemy’s command and control (C2), and decision making capability.  It means making an enemy or potential enemy doubt their strategy by making them doubt what your response might be. And that means keeping conventional forces as an option for cyber-warfare, even to the point of offensive use of conventional forces to counter a cyber-warfare capability.
Any potential aggressor must feel the threat of conventional force is credible, if they doubt your resolve they will dismiss the threat as sabre-rattling.  Part of a credible response is target identification and that is a problem with many DDoS cyber-attacks being carried out behind the wall of plausible deniability – you may suspect it was me but can you prove it ?
But it would be a mistake to think that if they can not positively identify you as the instigator of the attack you are safe, this is cyber-warfare not cybercrime. Waiting to get evidence of a level that would gain a prosecution in a cybercrime case takes time, time you may not have in cyber-war. If the cyber attack is a prelude to war or part of combined cyber and conventional terrorist operation, or is paralysing vital infrastructure would you wait ? Cyber-warfare exists within the “Fog of War” where it is understood that action will be taken on the baisses of probability, assumptions, risk of inaction and within the rules of war. This is an open question and fundamental to the issue in hand, what are the rules of war for the new reality of combined battlespace and cyberspace?
Following on from the US and UK comments NATO must consider how cyber-warfare will affect article 5, “if a NATO Ally is the victim of an armed attack, each and every other member of the Alliance will consider this act of violence as an armed attack against all members and will take the actions it deems necessary to assist the Ally attacked. Attack on one is attack on all”, would NATO standby if a member state was knocked out by a major state sponsored cyber-attack but no armed force was used ?
Cyber-warfare is aonther piece in the game of international brinkmanship that takes place in-between hot conflict – Cold War 2.0.  Nations will use cyber-warfare just below the level they think will illicit a conventional response, but like all games of brinkmanship there will be mistakes and miscalculation. The Cuban missile crisis, Falklands War, Gulf War and Korea are all examples of one side over estimating how far they can push their opponent and underestimating the opponents response.
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