ALEXANDRIA, Va., Feb. 22, 2012 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- The AOC (Association of Old Crows) will host this year's 49th Annual AOC International Symposium & Convention in Phoenix, AZ. Themed, "Arming the Spectrum Warrior," this event, held at the Phoenix Convention Center, September 23-26, will bring together experts in the fields of Electronic Warfare (EW), Offensive Cyber Operations and Information Operations (IO). They will provide insight and facilitate professional discussions that allow attendees and presenters to advance the discipline of Electromagnetic Spectrum (EMS) warfare. This convention reaches out to young professionals to showcase EMS professions and provide mentorship to advance EMS enabling careers.
The AOC is seeking original papers that discuss advancements in EMS enabled technologies and strategies from their conceptual phase, through development & testing, and into the user's hands. Users of the EMS include the U.S. and foreign militaries, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, local law enforcement, and every smart phone user. The spectrum is critical for operations in all domains, all phases of conflict and successful day-to-day functions across many facets of daily life. Your inputs as Electronic Warfare practitioners have never been more critical.
The AOC cordially invites you to submit a paper(s) to the 49th Annual AOC International Symposium & Convention in Phoenix, AZ. Selected speakers will present their expert solutions in front of representatives from government, military, industry, and academia. Please consider the following topical discussion areas for submissions:
Introduction of Advanced EW/EMS Concepts and Applications - What are Future Game-Changers?
How our EMS profession can reach out to young professionals and engage our best and brightest?
Joint, Coalition, Interagency and Commercial EMS capabilities and Interoperability; especially facing enemies crossing our southern border
Cross Domain Integration to Include All Elements of Advanced Electronic Attack (Cyber Integration)
Lessons Missed or Lessons Learned
Life Cycle Management with a Focus on Requirements
Abstracts should be limited to one page of unclassified text. Presentations will be required in Microsoft PowerPoint. Deadline for abstracts is May 15, 2012.
AOC is a non-profit international Electronic Warfare/Information Operations (EW/IO) association which promotes electromagnetic spectrum operations and related activities across military, civilian and commercial applications. It is the mission of the AOC to advance strategy, policy and programs for EW/IO, and electromagnetic spectrum operations.
SOURCE Association of Old Crows
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