This week, EFF—along with a host of other civil liberties groups—are protesting the dangerous new cybersecurity bill known as CISPA that will be voted on in the House on April 23. Here is everything you need to know about the bill and why we are protesting:
- What is "CISPA"?
- Under CISPA, can a private company read my emails?
- Under CISPA, can a company hand my communications over to the government without a warrant?
- Under CISPA, what can I do if a company improperly hands over private information to the government?
- What government agencies can look at my private information?
- Can the government use my private information for other purposes besides “cybersecurity” once they have it?
- Can the government use my private information to go after alleged copyright infringers and whistleblower websites?
- Why are Facebook and other companies supporting this legislation?
- What can I do to stop this bill?