Jason Andress, Steve Winterfeld "Cyber Warfare: Techniques, Tactics and Tools for Security Practitioners"
ISBN: 1597496375 | 2011 | PDF | 320 pages | 4,7 MB
Jason Andress and Steve Winterfeld cover how and why cyber war is waged, addressing the key issues in corporate and global cyber warfare, discussing real-world attempts by individuals and states to adversely affect the networks and computers of corporate players and other nations. Cyber Warfare explores the battlefields, participants and the tools and techniques used during digital conflict, with an in-depth look at the ethics, laws and consequences of cyber war and how the global body of computer criminal law may change as a result. The concepts discussed in this book will give those involved in information security a better idea of how cyber conflicts are carried out now, how they will change in the future and how to detect and defend against cyber terrorists, organized criminals and non-state actors.
Provides concrete examples and real-world guidance on how to identify and defend your network against malicious attacks
Dives deeply into relevant technical and factual information from an insider's point of view
Details the ethics, laws and consequences of cyber war and how computer criminal law may change as a result
Posted By : nebulae | Date : 12 May 2012 04:30:11
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