Our fearless leader, Mohit Kumar, founder of The Hacker News opens the discussion with a look at the meaning of Hackitivism and what it means for society today.
Our regular writers, security specialist Pierluigi Paganini, and Mourad Ben Lakhousa bring us their perspective on this most interesting and thought provoking topic.
As editor, I truly enjoyed Keith H. DeBus’s article on cyber war. I found myself wrapped up in excitement and worry as he takes us into the what’s and where’s of cyber war.
Also, Dominque C Brack does an excellent job discussing the topic. Your executive editor, Patti Galle, brings you to question just what anonymous needs to look like in the future and don’t miss our fun pokes at current news.
Thanks for your faithful readership and thanks to those who contribute in so many, many ways!
Mohit Kumar, Editor-in-chief, The Hacker News Posted by THN Reporter On 5/06/2012 06:58:00 AM
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